JavaScript | Intro to Job Titles


JavaScript is a programming language that is used to define behaviour of web pages.
So, it can be used for …

  • Creating web and mobile apps
  • Server side API development
  • Game development, etc.

JavaScript Libraries

What is a JavaScript Library ?

A library is “a set of reusable code”. There are thousands of libraries on web for each programming language. A library provides an easier way to include some basic tasks in your web applications that has already been coded by someone else.
For Example, Creating chart from the data, Extract text from the image, etc.

There are a lot of use libraries out there for JavaScript. So, Let us see a few of them.


It is an open source JavaScript library that can help you developer web applications that load faster and have cross-browser compatibility.


p5 provides all functionalities to create drawing based applications like canvas creation, key based movements of DOM elements, etc. You can see a live demonstration of the same at :

I created this simple game where you can move your block (car) – left & right (Keys A & D) to dodge the objects.


D3 JavaScript library provides features to make data-driven applications. For example. you can create different charts that updates as per your input data.


What is a JavaScript Framework ?

A JavaScript Framework is also “a set of reusable code”, but a framework may use 1 or more than 1 JavaScript Libraries. A framework is usually created to generate a group of functionalities. For Example, “JavaScript framework for API handling”, “JavaScript framework for managing UI components”, etc.

Now, the API handling framework may be using many JavaScript core functionalities and libraries to make an HTTP request, to make a Database query, etc.

Core JavaScript development may take a long time to build an application. But, with the frameworks we can develop the same applications faster, with less management and with more security.

Let us see about the few frameworks that can help you build your JavaScript based web applications.

Frameworks for Frontend Development

The most popular JavaScript frameworks as of now (2020) is : Angular, React & Vue, They all have their own set of benefits.

Comparatively tough to learn

Provides Angular-language-service to autocomplete component files

Variety of structures to choose from
(Injectables, Components, Pipes, Modules etc.)
Comparatively easy to learn,

Easy structure with JSX files that includes both HTML + JavaScript

Takes less time to write language specific code
Comparatively easy to learn,

Takes less time to write language specific code
Use Cases & PerformanceShould be used for Enterprise Scale Applications.

Good choice for applications that have a lot of interconnected components.
Faster Performance due to Optimised Component Rendering

Should be used for platforms that requires good speed & SEO
Faster Performance due to Optimised Component Rendering

Should be used for platforms that requires good speed & SEO
Angular Vs React Vs Vue
Frameworks for Backend Development

The most popular JavaScript frameworks as of now (2020) is : Node.js , Express.js & Next.js, They all have their own set of benefits.

Node.js is an Asynchronous (Can run multiple tasks at once) JavaScript Framework, which is mostly used to make scalable networking applications.

Ex. APIs for Web Applications
Express is built using Node.js and therefore have comparatively more functionalities as a framework.

It adds features like Routing, View Caching, File serving, etc. above the Node.js
NodeJS vs Express


  1. Coursera : It is a good platform to learn online and get a verified certificate. Here is the link to JavaScript Beginner’s Course on Coursera Introduction to Javascript: The Basics
  2. JSforCats : This website includes all the basic theoretical concepts of JavaScript :
  3. SoloLearn : SoloLearn is a good platform to learn and practice all the basic programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. SoloLearn for JavaScript

Job Titles

API developer

You should have a good knowledge of core language concepts and back-end frameworks like Node.js and Express to become an API developer.

Average Salary : 3.5 lacs per annum (1-2 years of experience, India)

Front-End Web developer

A good understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and front-end frameworks like Angular, React.js, Vue.js can help you become a Front-End Web developer.

Average Salary : 3.5 lacs per annum (1-2 years of experience, India)

Cross Platform Developer

With platforms like electronJS you can build applications that can be installed on mostly all the Operating systems like Windows, Mac & Linux based OS.

Average Salary : 5 lacs per annum (1-2 years of experience, India)

Game Developer

With the help of libraries like GDevelop & melonJS one can develop a light-weight interactive browser based games.

Average Salary : 5 lacs per annum (1-2 years of experience, India)

Also read our blog on : Top 10 Programming Languages With Average Salary In 2021

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