
angular javascript framework

Angular | How to change page title with routing in Angular?

Angular | How to change page title with routing in Angular?

let’s learn how to set dynamic page title based on Route in Angular using Title Service, offered by Angular.

Firebase | How to host angular project on firebase for free

Firebase | How to host angular project on firebase for free

How to host Angular project on Firebase hosting services, provided by google, and it is absolutely free of cost.

Angular | Install Bootstrap in angular project

Angular | Install Bootstrap in angular project

Learn how to install bootstrap in angular project, along with installing ngbootstrap with code snippets all with Angular CLI.

Angular CLI | How To Setup Angular Project

Angular CLI | How To Setup Angular Project

In this blog we will learn What is angular, what is typescript, what is transcompilation, Angular CLI, how can a beginner install Angular CLI in windows, how to create new project with various features add options, how to install node modules, how to host in localhost and understand where to add content in angular project.